Well, this is it. I've made the leap, pulled the rip cord, now we'll just have to wait to see how I land. Dangling above it all, right now, it doesn't matter, it all looks just beautiful.
Welcome to my blog. I am T. Max Devlin, the first Priest of the New Church of Hope. That's right, I just started my own religion. It's atheist, like Buddhism, except it works. It is a lot more real and less complicated (which explains why it works so well.) And it isn't just me, anymore.
Those who know me well already knew that I've been working pretty obsessively on something about philosophy. About a decade and a half ago, I started ranting about free will. But last month, coincidentally just before my fiftieth birthday, I read something about jellybeans, and it all came together.
I really like how crazy and random that sounds. I know I shouldn't, but I do. :-D
So for the past few weeks, I've been writing furiously, and I've got most of the basics of the Philosophy Of Reason worked out. It is an approach to reasoning, a way of understanding, that is almost unbelievable in how perfectly it fits together. If it weren't for the jellybeans, I'd think I was just making it all up.
You can read what I've done so far at the POR Wiki. Feel free to comment on it there or here, but try not to start off half-cocked. If it doesn't seem to be making a lot of sense, you're starting off in the wrong direction. If you can manage to stick with it through my insanely tortuous rhetorical style (sorry, it's just what comes out by default) I swear the secret to happiness is in there, waiting for you. It includes the 'ritual text' of the Church I've just started. Soon, thanks to the Type A powers of Dr. CJ Rhoads, we will have a home page web site for the Church (FirstNewChurchOfHope.Org, I should hope) with a big DONATE button on it. For now the Wiki is all we have. That, and the jellybeans.
Thanks, Roy. I sure am hoping this works out. I think it is going to take perseverance and dedication more than luck. At least I hope so, because I've never had all that much luck. Or perseverance or dedication, come to think of it, but those I can fake.
Posted by: Uncle Max | 10/17/2013 at 12:27 PM
Right on, tmax. I hope this blog bears more than good fruit for you. The Blogosphere is huge, and it's nice to find another soul floating around out there who is willing to have
a serious conversation, untinged by blather. Good luck.
Posted by: roycloud | 10/16/2013 at 07:49 PM